T-4 Trencher
The T-4 Trencher is a small, yet Heavy Duty chain-type trencher designed for jobs requiring up to a 12 or 18 inch deep trench when a full-size trencher is not practical.
HD99 Hydraulic Earthdrill
The HD99 is a Towable Hydraulic Earthdrill and the most powerful earthdrill in the Ground Hog line.
The ModelONE is a small, hand-held one-man auger that will stand up to rental and commercial use.
C-71-5 Earthdrill
The Ground Hog Model C-71-5 is a Two-Man Earthdrill designed to deliver years of reliable service and superior performance.
1M5C Earthdrill
The Model 1M5C puts the power and reliability of our two-man earthdrill in the hands of one operator.
Augers and Accessories
We offer augers for a variety of soil types in sizes from 2 inches to 18 inches, as well as many blade options, extensions, and adapters.
TC2 Trencher Carrier
The Model TC2 Trencher Carrier allows the T-4 Trencher to be transported on the back of any vehicle equipped with a hitch reciever making it possible for one person to easily load and unload the trencher.
DS3 Display Stand
The Model DS3 Display Stand holds a Two Man power unit and up to three augers. The DS3 provides convenient storage while requiring very little floor space.
![Ground Hog](images/png/btm_3_icons.png)
1470 S. Victoria Ct., San Bernardino, CA 92408, USA
P.O. Box 290, San Bernardino, CA 92402, USA
(909)478-5700, (800)922-4680, Fax:(909)478-5710 | sales@groundhoginc.com